

                <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" width="200" height="200"><defs><style type="text/css"></style></defs><path d="M957.134 489.311c0-54.122-43.868-97.988-97.992-97.988-48.117 0-88.015 34.683-96.346 80.418-5.839-32.189-27.376-58.827-56.334-71.862 0.82 6.518 1.387 13.093 1.387 19.779 0 0 5.47 117.258-78.04 228.511 28.817 32.645 71.014 63.249 132.986 83.596 202.67-66.424 194.34-242.454 194.34-242.454z"></path><path d="M683.623 416.655c0-6.743-0.57-13.26-1.361-19.778-9.747-76.51-74.923-135.737-154.154-135.737-76.312 0-139.646 55.09-152.851 127.574-13.148-72.485-76.51-127.574-152.852-127.574-85.86 0-155.512 69.598-155.512 155.514 0 0-13.178 279.35 308.364 384.764 113.263-37.122 184.93-95.84 230.324-156.307 83.538-111.252 78.042-228.456 78.042-228.456zM587.73 633.15c-17.001 22.613-38.114 44.945-64.325 65.686 11.957-12.126 22.613-24.481 31.965-36.95 77.36-102.977 72.2-211.51 72.2-211.51 0-6.178-0.452-12.299-1.244-18.304-9.012-70.843-69.372-125.648-142.65-125.648-14.737 0-28.903 2.324-42.222 6.459 22.044-14.735 48.456-23.405 76.908-23.405 70.898 0 129.272 53.046 137.946 121.51 0.736 5.837 1.245 11.673 1.245 17.682-0.002 0.001 4.931 104.963-69.823 204.48z"></path></svg>
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    <strong>Hanhui Ma (</strong><strong>马涵慧</strong><strong>), Ph.D.</strong>

Principal Investigator
[email protected]
We focus on Genome Editing, Epigenetics, Transcriptional Regulation and Cell Fate Decision.


Qin Liang (梁勤), Ph.D.
Postdoctoral fellow
[email protected]  
I am a first-year postdoc jointly supervised by Dr. Ma and Dr. Erez Lieberman Aiden.
My current study focuses on the mechanism of VDJ recombination.


Ying Feng (冯颖)
Visiting graduate student
[email protected]  
I am a third-year PhD student from East China University of Science and Technology..
My research focuses on development of tools for genome imaging & editing, and their applications in 4D genome organization, transcriptional regulation, diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases.


Xiangnan Wang (王向南)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a first-year PhD student at ShanghaiTech University.
My study focuses on the role of epigenetic modifications and phase separation in genome organization and transcriptional regulation.

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Yue’er Hu (胡玥儿)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a first-year PhD student at ShanghaiTech University.
My current study focuses on the role of phase separation in transcriptional activation.


Xiaohui He (何晓慧)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a second-year graduate student at ShanghaiTech University.
My research focuses on the role of extrachromosomal circular DNA in tumorigenesis.


Linxiao Han (韩林晓)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a second-year graduate student at ShanghaiTech University.
My study focuses on the role of transposable elements in genome organization and transcriptional regulation.


Wenlong Sun (孙文龙)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a second-year graduate student at ShanghaiTech University.
My study focuses on the role of phase separation in response to extracellular stimulation.

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Siyuan Liu (刘思远)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a first-year graduate student at ShanghaiTech University.
My search focuses on the development of tools for genome editing & imaging, and their applications in 4D genome organization.


Dingzhe Pu (濮定哲)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a first-year graduate student at ShanghaiTech University.
My study focuses on the development of tools for genome editing with high efficiency and precision.


Qiqin Mo (莫淇钦)
Graduate student
[email protected]
I am a first-year graduate student at ShanghaiTech University.
My study focuses on the role of phase separation in signaling transduction, transcriptional regulation and cell fate decision.

Lab Alumni

Chen Yang (杨晨)
Visiting graduate student 2018-2020
Current: Research scientist, Belief Biomed Inc.
Linhao Gu (顾林昊)
Undergraduate student 2019-2020
Current: graduate student at ShanghaiTech University

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